Why do we love Chia Seeds?


Why do we love Chia Seeds so much?

Firstly they are a great source of fibre, protein and omega-3 fatty acids, as well as providing good amounts of zinc, magnesium, B vitamins and potassium, and they are naturally filling.

Secondly these little babies are so easy to incorporate into our diet – you can add them into your porridge, as well as into baking like muffins and cakes to boost their nutritional content.  Soak them overnight with some almond milk, saltanas, sliced banana or other fruits for a great breakfast option.  Even use them in meatballs or a meatloaf.  Throw some into a smoothie to add some bulk.

Chia seeds form a gel like substance when added to water and can also be used to thicken sauces, soups or even make a fabulous jam (I have shared this recipe before).