Blueberries – The Super Food

Blueberry Image



We have all heard about the numerous “super foods” that are meant to to help boost our immune systems, keeping us looking younger and help to keep us generally healthy. Blueberries are a part of these “super foods” and also taste delicious.

You can purchase frozen blueberries from most supermarkets these days, however we all know that fresh is always best.  If you are buying frozen ones I would suggest trying to purchase organic produce, ones that are bright in colour and move freely when you gently shake the packaging.  If not, there may be a possibility that the fruit is mouldy, soft or damaged.  If they are frozen all together and don’t move around this could indicate that they have been thawed and refrozen.

According to experts in the US who have carried out research and studies into the health benefits of blueberries, they believe they may change the way that we process fat and sugar in our diets.   The researchers found that when obese rats were given meals enriched with blueberries, they lost fat from their stomachs.  More research is required, however the findings are positive that blueberries do in actual fact help reduce body fat.

Blueberries and these other “super foods” are best known for their antioxidants!  Blueberries contain one of the highest amounts of antioxidants than any other fruit.

They are rich in Anthocyanin, Vitamin C, B Complex, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, copper (which is a very effective immune builder and is anti-bacterial), selenium, zinc and iron.

Eating as little as a 1/4 cup of these daily is believed to boost your immune system and assist in the prevention of infections.

As with most “super foods” we tend to look at these as a way to reduce the signs of ageing.  The way blueberries do this is by neutralising free radicals which can affect disease and ageing in the body.

Last, but by no means least, it is thought that blueberries help to prevent some types of cancers.

So why not increase your body’s health the natural way and get some blueberries today!